Regional Dance America
Regional Dance America (RDA) is a national group of over 92 dance companies split into five regions across the U.S. To be part of RDA, companies need to be 501(c)3 non-profits, put on two major shows a year, and meet certain artistic and technical standards.
Every year, PDT invites guest choreographers to work with senior-level dancers. In early spring, an RDA adjudicator visits each company to watch classes and review new pieces that might be selected for the annual festival. The annual Festival, held in late spring, brings together 300 dancers from the northeast. Dancers aged 10+ can attend, but you need to be at least 13 to perform or be cast in festival works.
RDA is not a competition but an opportunity for performance, critique, and growth. Its board, adjudicators, and instructors are seasoned professionals with ties to nationally recognized dance organizations. The festival also offers dancers the chance to audition for scholarships and gain exposure to college and professional program scouts
Regional Dance America 2025
April 24th, 25th, 26th, 2025
Travel days: Wednesday evening, April 23 (arrive), Saturday evening, April 26 (depart)
Scranton, PA
Anticipated Cost:
Kit: $665.00 - Full Member Dancer/Apprentice
Hotel: $125.00 per dancer total
Boxed Lunches: $25.00 per day
PDT Breakfast/Snack fee: $20.00 per dancer
Total of $885 - can be made in payments on DSP
Travel to and from will be a chartered bus paid for by fundraising.
Additional Fees:
Scholarship & Recruitment Audition Fee: $45.00 (optional)
Dancers are required to have the white PDT company leotard. They will need to purchase this if they do not already have it.
PDT Company Members levels 3 and up are eligible to attend RDA.
Dancers must be at least 10 years old at the time of the festival.
Dancers must be meeting their minimum class hours.
When: Friday, February 28th. 4:30-9:00 pm
Who: It is mandatory that all PDT dancers cast in an RDA piece take Adjudication Class.
What is Adjudication?
Each year, RDA selects an adjudicator for each region to visit its companies. The adjudicator observes a technique class and all prepared pieces, offering feedback to faculty and students afterward. In the following weeks, they provide written feedback on the class and pieces, announcing which works will be performed at the RDA festival. Adjudication offers valuable insight and constructive feedback for both dancers and faculty, highlighting strengths and areas for growth.
2025 Adjudication: Carol Anglin - Read bio here
We only have six weeks until adjudication to create these works. Dancers wishing to participate must be fully committed to attending the festival, and attendance will be mandatory for all rehearsals.
We will likely call additional rehearsals on MLK day, Presidents day, and potentially Sundays if need be due to cancellations for snow etc.
Schedules will be made based on the availability of the guest choreographers, and can change due to this.
This year PDT will be presenting four works for RDA Adjudication:
Concert Works:
Concerto in G - Robbie Gosnell - Cast List
New Contemporary Work - Lila Kushner
Emerging Works:
New Work - Eliza Griffin
New Work - Charles Michael Patterson
Each choreographer has full discretion over the casting of their piece.
Dancers should not expect to be in every piece.
Not every piece will be selected to be performed at RDA. All pieces will be performed at Breaking Ground.
The spring performance schedule is extremely rigorous between the spring concert, RDA, and Breaking Ground works. Dancers strength and well being is heavily considered to prevent injury and burnout when casting, alongside what the works require.
Audition for Lila Kushner’s new work:
Lila will be holding an audition for 5/6 dancers for her new work on Wednesday January 8th from 6:00-7:30 pm (during contemporary class).
She will be working with a smaller cast then last year
3/3x/4/4x dancers are not needed.
Through RDA’s Scholarship & Recruitment process, dancers are able to audition for multiple scholarship and recruitment opportunities for summer programs, colleges, and year-round training programs across the country through one application.
Application Fee: $45.00
Application Deadline: Monday, January 20th
The application process is completed fully online.
Dancers will record an audition video and upload it through the online application.
Sample combinations for the audition video are provided in the link below.
Please share with Joy the programs you intend to audition for, she may have recommendations.
Details of the Scholarship + Recruitment Application process can be found here.
Joy will teach the following classes as RDA audition recording classes. Parents can come and record your dancer during class time for your applications.
Saturday, January 11th:
Ballet 4/4x - 9:30-11:00 am
Ballet 5/6 - 11:30-1:00 pm
Monday, January 13th:
Ballet 5/6 - 6:00-8:00 pm
Dancers are also welcome to come into the studio on their own time to record. Talk to Annie if you need assistance accessing the building outside of normal hours.
Further Details:
All applicants have the opportunity to audition for up to five (5) summer intensive scholarships, including RDA’s National Choreography Intensive & National Training Program.
Dancers must first review their scholarship selections with their Artistic Director prior to
completing the online application with a guardian.
Schools/companies are not promoted or otherwise endorsed by RDA. Please ask the dancer’s RDA Artistic Director to offer program selection guidance for the dancer’s training and growth.
Dancers currently in 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, and Alumni may choose to be considered for year-round collegiate and/or professional training program recruitment opportunities.
A letter of support from the Artistic Director must accompany an application for professional training program recruitment. The application will not be processed without this letter.
Pay close attention to the requirements, ages, and dates of each scholarship or recruitment opportunity.
Dancers from all RDA Regions are eligible for each opportunity.
It is expected that if an applicant is awarded a scholarship, they will attend that
RDA Associates are dancers, directors, faculty members, choreographers, family members, and alumni who together comprise the nationwide RDA network. Associates have access to RDA's year-round offerings, news, and connectivity to all that RDA has to offer.
RDA Associate Program
In an effort to connect ALL RDA dancers (regardless of age or company level), family members, alumni, directors, faculty, and choreographers throughout the country, you are encouraged to become an RDA Associate annually. The RDA Associate network is for everyone! As an RDA Associate, you will have access to all of RDA’s year-round offerings, news, and connections
Joining the RDA Associate Program is mandatory for any PDT dancers attending festival, and is optional (but encouraged) for all others. Join for just $15 today!
Dancers: RDA provides educational offerings and opportunities for dancers of ALL ages!
Family Members: RDA provides resources to help you support your growing dancer, guide their journey, and encourage their development!
Alumni: RDA fosters connections, helps you share memories, and provides opportunities for you to inspire and lead the next generation of dancers!
Faculty & Choreographers: RDA provides networking opportunities, professional development, and sharing best practices to help you learn and grow!